I was meditating on Isaiah 41:10-13 this morning and was encouraged by the prophet's assurance of 5 aspects (5S) from the Lord. The Lord gives to his covenant people Serenity, the peace that we have through Christ and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding in the midst of duress when our minds are focused on Him, Security, the safety that is confirmed by His presence and His provision and we need not fear, Strength, the ability to do His will enabled by Him in our weakness, Stamina, the continuing tenacity to press on despite exacting trials and testings and Stability, the surety of our footing founded on His inspired Word and His covenant promises. The elect of God has the full assurance that he or she is truly kept and preserved by the Lord and whatever tribulations he or she has to go through. God will be there to carry him or her through to the very end.
Philippians 1:6, Jude 21-24.
