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SHBPC is working for the advancement of the gospel in Bangalore, India with the pastors and leaders of the Covenant BPC and New Covenant BPC and Calvary Reformed Church and teaching at the newly formed Indian Reformed Biblical Seminary.


Sharing the gospel of Christ to the many souls
in India


Every God honouring church is to be committed to  fulfill the great Commission and be given  to propagate the  gospel in  missions to the saving of souls. From  12 to 18 December 2018, by the sovereign will of God, a SHBPM mission team of 3 comprising Agnes ,Angie Sin and Pastor   were involved in the strengthening of the saints in both the  bible college and BP church , India. This is a first  trip for Agnes and much preparation were needed before the trip and we thank God for all who has helped.

Lectures In MBBC

When we arrived  safely on the  Wednesday afternoon , we were  well received by Rev Mathai, the principal of MBBC, Maranatha Bible Baptist College. It was he who invited pastor to teach in the college to the 80 students on the 2 credit hour course, (with 2 quizzes and an exam) Theological insights from book of Jonah and the Canonicity and Sufficiency and Authority of the bible. Pastor has preached here before in the past years to the student body.  Rev Mathai shared of how the Lord guided and led  him to acquire 2 and half acres of land and to build the college compound and the student body over these 2 decades. They offered diplomas, degrees and master programmes to equip full time theological students  and pastors from India, Myanmar, Nepal and Bangladesh for the wide harvest fields. He is supported by a good team of faculty members and his son, Timothy and Julie manage a children care home of 22 children. Angie shared the word  on the  wise men and Christmas with them on Thursday night and led in the singing as well  and they received goody bags from the mission team too. After the final lecture, and a lively discussion, we marked the exam papers by Saturday and returned to the principal and most of them did well for the course. 

VBS, Seminar and Service at NCBPCI In Varthur Village 

The  next series of meetings was held in Varthur Village where Pastor Babu an his team had been serving for the past almost 2 decades.

On that Saturday, Sisters Angie Sin led in the singing of songs and Agnes shared the Bible story to the Varthur children in the afternoon. This Christmas season is an opportune time  to share the first advent of Christ with the young one and to reach out to their parents as well with the gospel.

 On Saturday, the mission team conducted  the VBS where more than kannada 40 children (and some adults) came from Varthur villages the  Bible lesson by  Agnes and the singing of songs by Angie, The Meaning of Christmas, and the creative origami craft of a pen holder with Jeremiah 29:13 on it by both Angie and Sister Agnes and supported by all the team members and the children listened intently and they received lovely goodie bags prepared by the mission team and sister Kin Kheng. It is our prayer that the gospel seed sown in their hearts will bear forth spiritual fruit in due season (Galatians 6:9-10). One thing highlighted by Pastor Babu during the service and in our meetings was the new projector and screen provided by SHBPM and others for their ministry. It was appreciated by them as they were praying for one and the Lord supplied their needs (Philippians l4:19) in due time. Now they can use it for the effectual ministry of screening Christian movies and Sunday worship and seminars 

The night seminar was delivered by Pastor Jack on The Biblical Foundations of a Covenant Family and interpreted by pastor Babu to guide and equip parents in their  covenant family life. The notes was also translated for all into kannada for all to read and understand how they can apply this lessons in their homes in a practical manner.

The next day is the climax of the trip which was the Sabbath Day of holy worship attended by almost 50 people chaired by pastor Babu and sister Agnes gave her testimony of salvation. This church was established 19 years ago by Pastor Babu, who though he was persecuted  initially continued faithfully to preach and build up the congregation in a predominantly non Christian environment. When he came to know us and the BPC and the Westminster Confession of Faith (WCF) about 8 years ago, he was not totally reformed in his theological conviction (i.e. more Arminian) but he read our materials (and the WCF and our  book on the Reformation) and other reformed books which we gave him and as he prayed and studied the bible deeper in its biblical theology and by the leading of the Spirit, he was finally convinced of reformed theology and embraced the doctrine of grace and changed the name of his church in NCBPCI. He even has the shorter catechism translated into Kannada to teach his members. He is supported by faithful deacons in Nagesh and Ashok and other members and do uphold him and his wife and 2 growing teenage children in prayers as they served God in their ministry.

The Sunday message was preached from Hebrews 12:1-4 on the significance of Looking Aright to challenge and exhort the members to continue to run the race of life with patience and a faithful spirit, looking unto Christ. This was followed by a lunch fellowship together with the members in the church. In the evening we met up with pastor George and family at CBPCI for a time of fellowship and sharing to encourage him in the work of the Lord. The final day was spent in buying Christian books from OM and some shopping before we left for the airport for home after  midnight after a delectable dinner with the leaders in church with Praven and his family present as well.

Thank God for his guiding hand for the mission team and the work accomplished by his will. We need to continue to pray for and support the  leaders and members of NCBPCI to share Christ and advance God’s kingdom together in the village and beyond to the saving of souls in these last days.  


We praise and thank God for a fruitful and profitable missions trip as we continue to pray for divine guidance for both the bible college and the mission churches as the Lord lead them. Let us pray, support and be part of the SHBPM mission team the next year as we persevere with the gospel work of the Lord in these last days and work while it is day for night comes, when no man can work. (John 9:4) Remember what the Lord says in Matthew 24:14, “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come”.

To God be the Glory for all that He has done to the edifying of the saints.

SHBPM Missions Team 2018

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