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2023 Q1 Ephesians: Welcome

26 MAR 2023

Divine Protection for Spiritual Combat [Eph 6:10-24]

- Exhortation Given to All (vs 10-11)

- Enemy Examined & Warned (vs 12-13)

- Equipment Provided & Explained (vs 14-24)


19 MAR 2023

Rules for Family Relationships [Eph 6: 1-9]

- Rule for Children  to obey and honour their parents in the Lord  vs 1-3

- Rule for Parents to nurture  and admonish their children in the Lord vs  4

- Rule for Employees to comply with the  reasonable instructions of the employers   vs 5- 8

- Rule for Employers to treat employees with respect and no discrimination vs 9


12 MAR 2023

Guidelines for Healthy Marital Relations [Eph 5:22-33]

Healthy Marital Relations is

- Structural (vs 22-24)

- Sacrificial (vs 25)

- Sanctifying (vs 26-27)

- Satisfying (vs 28-33)


5 MAR 2023

Divinely Transformed living [Eph 5:1-21]

- Walking in Love & the Light of God (vs 1-10)

- Walking circumspectly in the will of God (vs 11-17)

- Walking in the Fullness of the Spirit of God (vs 18-21)


26 FEB 2023

Steps to Effective Witness in our Lives [Eph 4:17-32]
- What to Beware (vs 17-20)
- What to Become (vs 21-25)
- What to Be Careful (vs 26-32)


19 FEB 2023

Conduct of the Church [Eph 4:1-16]

- Manner of life of the Believer in the church vs 1--6

- Ministry of Gifts of the Believer for the church vs 7-11

- Maturity of the Believers, building the church vs 12-16


12 FEB 2023

Functions of the Church [Eph 3:12-21]

- Desire for Inner Strength by the Spirit vs 13-16

- Determined to be Grounded and Rooted in Faith and Love vs 17-18

- Disciplined to be filled with Fullness and Knowledge of Christ vs 19-21


5 FEB 2023

The Witness of the Church in Dangerous Times (Acts 5:29-42)

- Rev Philip Heng


29 JAN 2023

The Fullness of the Church [Eph 3:1-12]

- The Recipients of the Mystery vs 1-4

- The Nature of the Mystery vs 5-8

- The Fellowship of the Mystery vs 9-12


22 JAN 2023

Progress of the Church [Eph 2:11-22]

- Pilgrims in the Kingdom of God vs 11


- Partners with Peace with and of God vs 14 -17

- Pillars in the House of God vs18-22


15 JAN 2023

Changed from Darkness to Light [Eph 2:1-10]

- Preacher Mok Chee Cheong


8 JAN 2023

Character of the Church [Eph 1:13-23]

- Preserved by the Holy Spirit vs 13-15

- Prayed for by the Covenant People of God vs 16-19

- Protected by the Power of God vs 20-23


1 JAN 2023

Divine Calling of a Believer [Eph 1:1-12 ]

- The Calling & Status of Believer vs 1-5

- The Case for Redemption & Prudence v6 -8

- The Counsel of His Will for us vs 9-12

2023 Q1 Ephesians: Projects
2023 Q1 Ephesians: About Us
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