Jan - Mar 2022
27 MAR 2022
Probing Heaven and Hell (Lk 16:19-31)
Two Persons' Lives on Earth vs 19-21
Two Different Destinies in Eternity vs 22-23
Two Requests Denied vs 24-31
20 MAR 2022
Being a Faithful Co-Labourer in the Ministry
(Col 4: 7 - 18)
Bro Joseph Wee
A. Fellowship of the apostle Paul:
Paul's affection
Paul's fellows-in-the-ship
The list of 10 categorised
B. Commendations for Paul's co-labourers:
C. Reminder and Benediction
13 MAR 2022
Sound Principles for Secular Life ( Col 4:1-6)
Be Dutiful towards God and Man (vs 1-2)
Be Prayerful, Watchful and Evangelistic (vs 3- 4)
Be Careful and Wise in our Speech and Time Management ( vs 5-6)
6 MAR 2022
Biblical Rules for Domestic Life (Col 3:18-25)
Authority in the Covenant Home vs 18- 19
Attitudes in Family Relationships vs 20-21
Attention to the Fear of God in the Workplace vs 22-25
27 FEB 2022
Christian Virtues to Put On (Col 3:12- 17)
Changed by the Character of Christ vs 12, 13
Convicted by the Love and Peace of God with Thankfulness vs 14, 15
Counselled by the Word of Christ in Hymns vs 16, 17
20 FEB 2022
Heavenly Precepts for Daily Living (Col 3:1-11)
Rev Nathan
Our Destination (v1-4)
Our Duties (v5-9a)
Our Dependency (v9b-11)
13 FEB 2022
The Perils the Church Faces Today (Col 2:16--23)
- The Peril of Legalism and Antinomianism
(vs 16-17)
- The Philosophy of Mysticism and Gnosticism
(vs 18-19)
- The Practice of Asceticism
(vs 20-23)
6 FEB 2022
The Vigilant Growing Church in End Times
(2 Peter 3:9-14)
- Rev Philip Heng
30 JAN 2022
The Foundation of our Pre Eminent Christ (Col 2:1-12)
Be Cognizant of the Mystery of God vs 1-4
Be Steadfast and Stablished in our Faith vs 5-7
Beware of False teachings and Deceptive Practices 8-12
23 JAN 2022
The Equipping Towards Maturity in Christ (Col 1:28--29)
The Priority of Preaching the Gospel
The Practice of Warning the Flock
The Proposition of Teaching the Word of God
16 JAN 2022
The Cross work of Christ (Col 1:19-27)
Reconciled with God through the Cross vs 19-22
Resilient in the Faith & Rested on the Word v 23
Rejoice in Suffering and Resplendent in Hope vs 24-27
9 JAN 2022
The Fervent Intercession for the Saints (Col 1:9-18)
- Walk Worthy of the Lord with Knowledge vs 9-10
- Work Joyfully and Patiently for the Lord vs 10-12
- Witness for and Worship Reverently the Creator God vs 13-18
2 JAN 2022
Apostolic concerns for the Church (Col 1:1-8)
Faithful in our Walk of Faith and Stewardship
(vs 1-3)
Fervent for the Word of Truth and the Gospel
(vs 4-5)
Fruitful in our Service and Witness
(vs 6-8)